Στρατιωτική Σχολή Αξιωματικών Σωμάτων

Participation of Hellenic Military Academy of Combat Support Officers (HMACSO) in Common Modules (CM) in Turin, Italy

CM « Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP)»

From 4th to 8th of March 2024, the School of Applied Military Studies of Turin hosted the Common Module “Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)”, under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), with the participation of the following cadets of our Academy:

  1. 4th year Cadet (MED) Nikolaidis Sofoklis
  2. 4th year Cadet (MED) Mangou Elisavet

The total number of participants was fifty-two (52) cadets from six (6) EU countries (Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Poland).

The aforementioned CM dealt with the Common Defence and Security Policy between the countries of the European Union, as well as general subjects related to the European Union and NATO. Distinguished speakers, both officers from various countries and professors from the University of Turin, delivered the lectures.

CM «Biosafety and Bioterrorism (B&B)»

From 18th to 22nd of March 2024 the “School of Applied Military
Studies” in Turin, Italy, hosted the Common Module CM “Biosafety and Bioterrorism (B&B)”, under the auspices of the European College of Defense and Security (ESDC), in which the following cadets of the Academy took part:

  1. 4th year Cadet (PSY) Petraki Efthymia
  2. 4th year Cadet (MED) Andreas Brouzas

The total number of participants was forty-seven (47) cadets from seven (7) countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Romania, USA, Poland and Bulgaria).

The topics of the aforementioned CM were related to the participants’ training on the topics of Biosafety, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism and more specifically with lectures about:

  1. Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense.
  2. Bioterrorism and its connection with zooanthroponosis.
  3. Food contaminations and the methods that can be used to identify contaminants in food and water, while special mention was done for One Health.

CM «Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)»

From 6th to 10th of May 2024 the academy IT-Armed Education and Training Command and School of Applied Military Studies hosted the CM Law of Armed Conflicts under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC) in which the following cadets of our Academy took part:

  1. 4th year cadet (LAW) Kolovou Konstantina
  2. 4th year cadet (LAW) Kagiale Georgia.

The total number of participants was forty-three (43) cadets from six (6) EU countries (Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Poland, and Romania).

The topics of the aforementioned CM were related to the Law of Armed Conflicts, which applies to both International armed conflicts and non-international and more specifically with lectures about:

  1. National Humanitarian Law and the basic principles of Human Rights.
  2. Terms and definitions of armed conflicts and their classification, as well as their operational consequences.
  3. General principles of the restrictions applied to the means and methods of warfare and also, the means of protection of cultural heritage under international law.
  4. The role of the law of armed conflicts in the prevention of terrorism.

During the closing ceremony, students were awarded diplomas of successful participation, as well as mementos to remember this unique experience.