Στρατιωτική Σχολή Αξιωματικών Σωμάτων

“Proseggiseis” Scientific Magazine

The publication “Proseggiseis” is a quarterly periodical associated with the Hellenic Military Academy of Combat Support Officers (HMACSO) since its inception in 1986. This initiative was inspired by Dr. Mantos at that time and championed by dedicated students, leading to its inaugural release in October 1986.

The primary objective of “Proseggiseis” has been to serve as a platform for students to share their views and present scientific papers, while also featuring thought-provoking contributions from external authors. This journal is curated and managed by a dedicated team of students and officers who serve on the Editorial Board.

Over the years, the magazine has undergone periodic refinements in both its visual appeal and thematic content. Nevertheless, its fundamental purpose has remained unwavering – to provide a medium for intellectual discourse and novel perspectives on the intricacies of our contemporary world.

Proseggiseis magazine issue 94

Proseggiseis magazine issue 93

Proseggiseis magazine issue 92

Proseggiseis magazine issue 91